Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Ten Tips About Me


Welcome to my new blog! Before I start writing, let me give you a heads up.

I don't claim to have any kind of wisdom to impart! I'm simply someone who loves to do life, I love having stuff to share, and the big one here is that I love writing.

About me? There's not a lot that you have to know - but just so you know enough, here are my 'Ten Tips About Me'...

1. I'm a Journalism student (which probably explains my passion for writing)
2. I love to read (expect some book recommendations!)
3. I love to share stories
4. I'm a creative thinker - musically, artistically, dramatically... love it
5. Probably due to the above, I am in no way mathematical or scientific (don't expect a 'Ten Tips on Maths and Science' any time soon)
6. I'm a Mac user  (love me or hate me, I don't mind) but I have a secret love for Windows 8. So pretty and tiled...
7. I have one other blog, but it is fictional and currently dormant
8. My favourite food is chocolate
9. I have a Black Labrador. She takes me for walks
10. I currently have 22 books on my shelf and I've read all of them at least 2 times

So there's some stuff you probably didn't need to know, but now you do. Follow the blog to get updates, and I hope to be hearing from you in the comments really soon!

Happy reading...!

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