Friday, 22 March 2013

Ten Tips For Keeping Girls Happy


A few people have been asking me to write a 'Ten Tips for Dating' - which I'm not ruling out in the future - but for now, I decided to do something a little different. For all of you male readers out there (and the girls who will probably relate to this) here are my ten tips for keeping girls happy. What women want is a true mystery - I'm not even sure myself what we want, or what keeps us happy - but here are some ideas to get you started.

1. Never try to understand a woman. If a woman is crying, never say, "It's ok. I know how you feel." You don't, do you? If she's in a bad mood, never say "I know you're grumpy and I know it's been a hard week, but you have to put it in perspective." If you're trying to console her, don't say "I know." And don't tell her she's grumpy.
The truth is that we don't want to be understood. If we honestly wanted men to understand us, wouldn't we attempt to explain ourselves more thoroughly?

NOTE: Even though she says, "you don't understand!" and "you don't even try to understand me!" or "you'll never get it!" doesn't mean she wants you to.

2. Never use childbirth as a measure of pain in conversation with girls.
I have literally been in conversations with men who have compared the pain of rolling an ankle to that of giving birth.
This will never end well for you, even if the conversation is with someone who has never had a baby. You will probably be shunned and you certainly will not be getting any sympathy. Tell me, where's the win? Guys like sympathy. We know.

3. Always compliment girls on their make-up - but tell them that they look prettier without it. You don't think it makes sense? I promise you, it does. Like it says in tip #1, I don't really want you to understand this one, because the mystery is somewhat exciting - but for the purpose of this post, I'll attempt an explanation.

Women want to look nice - if they've gone to the effort of putting on make-up, they're making an effort to look good, and the chances are that they're secretly hoping that you'll pass them a compliment. This being said, they want you to think they're just as pretty without it. As Anne Roiphe says, "A woman whose smile is open and whose expression is glad has a kind of beauty no matter what she wears." Note that this quote was written by a woman.

4. Notice hair cuts. I don't care if you have to make a mental note every time you see her and think, "is it different? Lighter? Darker? Shorter? Straighter?" Even if you're not sure, it's better to ask. What's the worst that can happen? Here's a scenario for you.

Boy: "Hey, is your hair different?" (Note the key use of 'different'. This word is flattering yet non-specific.)
Girl: "No, why?"
Boy: "Oh, no reason. It looks nice."

Either way, it ends in a compliment. You can't go wrong.

NOTE: This can be used on anything - not just haircuts.

5. Learn to love chick flicks. Be ready with suggestions.
When a girl asks you, "What do you want to watch?" she really means, "what chick flick are we going to watch tonight?" This one really isn't that hard - there's a huge range of chick flicks, many of which double up as comedies or even action movies. Did you know that Star Wars wasn't originally intended to be of Sci-Fi genre? I have a theory that no movie is a movie if it doesn't feature some form of romance. So yes boys - Lord of The Rings is a real movie.

6. Cook. There's nothing men look better in than aprons. Whether it's baked goods, dinner, breakfast or just a good sandwich, it won't go unappreciated! This is a definite opportunity to impress... there'll be extra brownie points if you clean up.

7. Flowers are flowers. Whether it's 50 or 1, it means exactly the same thing. Heres a tip: girls don't care about the quantity of flowers. It's quality, and thought that counts. So next time you're buying a bouquet of flowers as big as the NASA space station, put it back. A single rose and a note will do.

8. Keep boy conversation for boys. She doesn't want to hear about the rat that you dissected at Uni yesterday - unless she's really committed. She also doesn't want to hear about your numerous disgusting habits, what level you're up to on Call of Duty, and she definitely doesn't want to know how much you spent on that new pair of headphones last week. Especially if that amount exceeds two hundred dollars. This may or may not be influenced by personal experience.

9. Don't make fat jokes. Don't make jokes that could be interpreted as fat jokes. Don't mention the word fat around girls. Enough said.

10. All girls like an old fashioned gentleman. You know what this means boys - open the door. Even if she's the one driving, open the car door for her. Let her go first, use your manners, put the toilet seat down, don't burp in her face. It's not attractive. Men's obsession with bodily functions is something that is neither understood or respected by girls! I'm sure I don't have to spell it out for you.

I hope these tips have been helpful and a bit fun. If you've got any extra tips you'd like to contribute, post it in the comments! Remember to subscribe via email if you want regular blog updates.

Written for you by TenTipsToday :)

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